The Pagan and Wiccan
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May we all fly like eagles
All fly like eagles
Flying so high
Flying so high
Circling the Universe
Circling the Universe
On wings of pure light
On wings of pure light
O E Ah Cha Chi O
O E Ah Cha Chi O
I circle around
I circle around
the boundries of the Earth
Wearing my long tail feathers as I fly
Wearing my long tail feathers as I fly
I circle around
I circle around
the boundries of the Earth
I circle around
I circle around
the boundries of the Earth

adapted by Paula Willowmoon
Goddess With Me
Goddess with me
Goddess before me
Goddess behind me
Goddess in me
Goddess beneath me
Goddess above me
Goddess on my right
Goddess on my left
Goddess when I lie down
Goddess when I arrive
Goddess in the heart of everyone who thinks of her
Goddess in the mouth of everyone who speaks of her
Goddess in every eye that sees her
Goddess in every ear that hears her

Goddess my shield, my encircler
Goddess my shield, my encircler,
Each day, each night, each dark, each light.
Goddess my shield, my encircler,
Each day, each night, each dark, each light.
In my lying, in my standing,
In my watching, in my sleeping.
Goddess be my strength everlasting.
Maiden, Mother, Crone
Blessed Be the Maiden
Blessed Be the Mother
Blessed Be the Crone
Three in One
Maiden cherish me
Mother cherish me
Crone cherish me
Three in One
Blessed Be the Maiden
Blessed Be the Mother
Blessed Be the Crone
Three in One

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