The Pagan and Wiccan
Parenting Page

Mother Moon and Father Sky
Mother Moon and Father Sun
Now our day is all done.
Watch over me where I lie
From your home in the sky.
In my dreams
I hope you send
Happy dreams of the Summerland.
For free will of all
And harm to none.
As I have willed it,
So shall it be done.
Blessed Be.
Johnny Appleseed Blessing
Oh the Earth's been good to me,
And so I thank the Earth
For Giving Me
The things I need
The Sun and the Rain
And the appleseeds.
The Earth's been good to me.
Change these blessings to fit your family's beliefs.
Goddess, We Thank Thee
For the flowers that bloom about our feet,
For the tender grass so fresh and sweet,
For the song of the bird and the hum of the bee,
for all the beauty we hear or see,
Goddess, we thank thee.
For the blue of the stream and of the sky,
For the pleasant shade of branches up high,
For the fragrant air and cooling breeze,
For the beauty of the blooming trees,
Goddess, we thank thee.
For the New Morning
For the new morning and it's light,
For the rest and shelter of the night,
For good health and food and love and friends,
For every gift the Goddess sends,
We thank thee. Blessed Be.
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