Have your child help you throw open the windows to air out the house.
Have your child make a cloud picture with cotton balls or polyfil stuffing and glue on blue paper.
Put on different kinds of music for your child to dance to.
Let your child mix white paint with the primary colors to see what happens. Then let them paint with the pastel colors they made.
Record different sounds on a tape (like closing a door, foot steps, tea kettle whistle, etc.) or play a sound effects tape and see if your child can identify the sounds.
Lay down on a blanket and cloud-watch.
Collect the little black film canisters. Fill them with smelly things like cinnamon, ginger, perfume, anise, cocoa, etc. Have your child sniff them and try to identify them, or just say whether they like the smell or not.
Go fly a kite (stay away from the power lines.)
Watch Disney's "Sword in the Stone."
Make a newspaper hat. Have your child decorate it with feathers. (You can get a bag of colorful feathers in a craft store or the craft section of the local discount store.)
Play with baby dolls. Talk about what your child was like when he/she was a baby. Show pictures of yourself as a baby to your child.
Make cereal flowers. Buy some Fruit O's type cereal and let your child glue the colorful O's into any flower shapes they want. Let them use crayons or markers to make the grass and stems, etc. Make sure they can eat some too! My rule is always glue down more then you eat.
Make blow paintings. Have your child put a spoonful of watery paint on one end of a paper. Give them a straw and let them blow the paint all around the paper.
Give your child a plastic garabage bag. Let them run around the yard with it and "catch" the air with it. Supervise this carefully to make sure they don't put it on or over their faces.
If you notice the wind blowing your hair, make sure you point this put to your child.
Have them watch the trees on a windy day. They can also watch the wind move the clouds in the sky.
Buy or make a pinwheel. Have your child run around with it and blow it, and hold it up to the wind.
Give your child a recorder or harmonica. These are both easy instruments for them to make music with.
Play "Blow the Balloon." Chant "Blow the balloon." Make a noise like you're blowing up a balloon, and start to blow it up. Then chant, "Blow the Balloon." again. Make your hands look like they're holding a small, round balloon. Then chant "Blow, (puff)and Blow (puff), and Blow (puff)and blow (puff,)" each time puffing and making your hands look like they're holding a larger balloon. Then Clap your hands really loudly and hold them out in a questioning pose and say, "Where did my balloon go?" I saw this on Mr. Rogers. Kids love it.
Click here for a hot air balloon coloring page.